Pocket Rogue (Simple Roguelike)
◆ Overview
Pocket Rogue is a simple roguelike. It's so simple, you can play it with one hand!
Play it on your way to school or while commuting to pass the time!
◆ Game Description
• Buttons:
Direction Buttons: Moves the player in the direction the arrows are pointing.
Compass Button: Shows the direction the player is facing. Pressing it rotates the player in a clockwise direction.
Arrow Button: Shoots an arrow in the direction the player is facing. Arrows are unlimited.
Sword Button: Attack in the direction the player is facing.
Inventory Button: Displays the inventory where items can be equipped or used.
• Symbols:
【@】: The Player (You)
【|】: Vertical Wall
【-】: Horizontal Wall
【.】: Floor
【#】: Aisle
【+】: Door
【%】: Stairs
【^】: Trap
【)】: Sword
【(】: Arrow
【[】: Shield
【=】: Ring
【!】: Medicine
【?】: Scroll
【:】: Food
【*】: Jewel
【&】: Adventurer's Journal (adventure tips)
【$】: Ad Store
【A-Z】: Monster
• Monster Colors:
White: Beasts
Brown: Spirits
Gray: Devils
Green: Reptiles
◆ Miscellaneous
Rankings are deleted from time to time.
What's new
- Version 3.2.0
Update Some Library
- Version 2.4.0
Updated Russian translation
- Version 2.3.7
Remove unwanted advertising SDK
- Version 2.3.6
Corrected explanation of information button in tutorial
- Version 2.3.5
Remove unwanted advertising SDK
- Version 2.3.4
Expanded the ad viewing limit
Add new map
- Version 2.3.3
Corrected hint message contents
- Version 2.3.2
Corrected map
Add map
Ranking logic correction