Crossword puzzles are more than just a leisure activity. Being a boredom buster, they are actually beneficial to our mental and physical health. The game contains hundreds of crosswords with guaranteed definitions. Completely free for all players.
• Completely FREE
— Unlimited free hints
• Convenient and easy to play
— Large print for restful and easy reading
— The grids can be zoomed in order to play comfortably even on a small screen
• Does not require an internet connection
• Light/dark mode
— Dark mode can reduce eye strain and is ideal in low-light environments.
• An automatic save to resume your crossword grid later!
Here are the benefits of playing crossword puzzles:
• Improves vocabulary
Crosswords improve vocabulary. You can easily identify a person's level of education, profession and social status just by the way they speak. Solving crosswords contributes to the enrichment of your vocabulary. Moreover, learning new words is not a tedious task. It will form your personality and you will be one step ahead of everyone.
• Release stress
Crossword puzzles release stress. In short, it is the best leisure activity.
• But have you ever played this game with a group of friends?
Studies have shown that solving crossword puzzles in groups is very beneficial for your brain functionality.
• Improves mental health
An important factor of doing crosswords is the ability to think creatively. It is an activity that consumes the brain. By involving yourself in such an activity, you improve your analytical and cognitive abilities. Eliminates brain diseases.
We wish you a lot of fun solving these puzzles!
If you have any questions or need our assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us in any way that is most convenient for you ( e-mail: [email protected] ).