Horse Race Chess 3D is a simple board game but so fun to play with beautiful 3D graphics.
– Play offline versus Bot or with your friends around
– Play online with everyone through Internet connection
There are 4 teams: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green. Turn start from Red and go on counter-clockwise. Each team will roll dice then go piece turn by turn. Roll dice "double" (pair of any number) or 1-6 to activate piece. You have one more turn if roll "double" or 1-6. Select and move a horse by total rolled points. Horse can move if the road ahead is not blocked by others. In case cannot go total points and dice rolled "double", you can go a half if possible. If there are different team piece stand at your moving piece final destination, you can kick it to home. When reach to final moving position of team, a piece can go to finish position, you can only increase finish position step by step after entered finish position area. You can increase finish position by roll "double" or total dice equal finish position number. Winner is the first one who run all horses to all highest finish positions.
Thanks for playing this game and have fun!