Review the LANGUAGE syllabus for 10-year-olds with our fun application, completing all the tests until you take the final exam.
– Specially designed for fifth graders.
– Easy to play.
– More than 1,100 questions.
– We give permission so that our applications can be used freely and free of charge in the educational field.
– 42 topics: The syllable, Stressed and unstressed syllables, Acute words, plain words, esdrújulas and sobreesdrújulas, Word stress, Diphthongs, Hiatus, The prefix, The suffix, Primitive and derived words. Word families, The noun, Gender and number of nouns, Formation of nouns, The article, Demonstrative determiners, Possessive determiners, Numerical determiners, Indefinite determiners, Adjective formation, Adjective degrees, Personal pronouns, Formation of verbs, The verb: modes, Verb: simple forms and compound forms, The adverb, The preposition, The statement: the phrase and the sentence, The subject and the predicate, Verbs: active voice and passive voice, Synonyms and antonyms, Homophones, Polysemic words, Compound words, Onomatopoeia, Punctuation marks, Spelling rules: words that are written with 'h', Spelling rules: words that are spelled with 'b', Spelling rules: words that are spelled with 'v' ', Spelling rules: words starting with 'g', Spelling rules: words starting with 'j', Spelling rules: words starting with 'cc', Spelling rules: word s that are written with 'll' and with 'y'
Enjoy our application free of charge and reinforce your language skills.