Fortum Charge & Drive Norway

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Aug 18, 2022
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Charge & Drive will make your EV life easier. You can find nearby charging locations and see if a specific charger is available. You create your own account to easily pay and control the charging of your car.

Live charger status is displayed for connected networks across Nordics. You can see if a charging station is free, busy, or out of order regardless of the station operator.

On the map you can quickly and easily get an overview of charging locations and see their availability.

Prices can vary between operators and charging stations and you will always see the applicable prices directly in the app before starting a charging session. In your account you can find the your charging history and easy download receipts when needed.

Features in the App:

– Easily find and access chargers
Find chargers that suit you by navigating the map, using filters and search

– Get more information about a charging station. See connector types, location information, if a station is free, busy or out of order

– Start and Stop charging
Easy to start and stop charging with the App or with connected RFiD tags that is connected to your account

– Payment methods
Add different credit cards and select when charging
Choose between credit card and monthly invoice

– Order RFiD tag directly from the App

– View session history, invoices, orders directly in the App

What's new

What's new:
Show the highest power value per connector in station preview.
Display last used status on the connector

Bug fixes:
Fix for undefined power when value of power is missing in station preview
Fix for users experiencing issues with ordering charging keys/cards
Fix font size in Sign Up screen
Fix for charging key order invoices
