You need a blood pressure monitoring device to use Elfie.
Smartphones and mobile applications cannot measure blood pressure without the use of an external device (upper-arm).
While the Elfie is the best app to help you manage your blood pressure and medication, you must have a BP monitor to measure your blood pressure at home.
High blood pressure is the #1 cause of death, claiming 9.8 million lives every year. It cannot be cured, only treated. Because you cannot feel your blood pressure, people mistakenly think they are cured, pause their treatment, stop measuring their vitals.
Together, we can change that.
Step 1. Complete your health profile the first time you launch the Elfie app. This will create a plan tailored to you that evolves as your health improves.
Step 2. When you follow your plan (measuring your blood pressure, taking your pills, walking/exercise, tracking your weight…), you will earn Elfie coins
Step 3. With all those coins you can claim amazing prizes, make donations to local charities or get discounts with cool brands!
Aside from being rewarding, Elfie is packed with powerful health monitoring features:
A. Hypertension charts & analysis:
Elfie not only gives you beautiful charts, it also tell you what the data actually means and send alerts when a doctor visit is recommendable.
B. Digital pillbox & refill:
With Elfie, you will be able to track your medication with one of the world largest drug lists. Elfie also reminds you when your inventory is low and connect you with pharmacies if you need to.
C. Family support:
What if you could help your parents never run out of drugs or miss their pills? The family support feature allows you to support one another so you are not fighting this alone.
D. Elfie score:
Your Elfie score measure you overall adherence to your plan each week. This is very important as it reflects how you are taking back control of your health. Whenever you complete a week above 75% by Sunday night, we unlock special prizes.
E. Digital coach:
You will get to know Emma, our digital coach, that will help you with your questions 24/7 in Portuguese, Vietnamese, and English. Emma is continuously learning how to better guide you.
F. Content feed:
To continue your education on your health, we added thought-provoking short content to better understand to fight your chronic disease. Best of all: you will earn Elfie coins whenever you read this content for the first time. It pays to get smarter.
G. App-connect:
The Elfie app connects to your Google Fit and Apple Health. We will progressively add more fitness applications as you request them.
At Elfie, we are extremely serious with data protection and your privacy. As such, regardless of your country, we decided to implement the most strict policies from Singapore (PDPA), the United States (HIPAA), the European Union (GDPR), and Brazil (LGPD).
– We don't sell nor share your health or personal data with third-parties
– We declare the utilisation we make of your data to enable the Elfie app to be working smoothly on your device.
– We allow you to download and/or delete of their personal & health data at any time and for any reason.
– We regularly train our staff on the most recent security policies and practices
It is simple. We secured partnerships with insurance and pharmaceutical companies who need you to stay healthy and adherent.
They pay us to give you Elfie for free while having an impact on public health.
Our team of doctors, developers and designers has been working for years to bring you Elfie. We hope you enjoy it.
The Elfie Team
It pays to get better!