This is the trial version of Chess PGN Master, a learning and study tool for chess amateurs and professionals alike. In order to improve in chess, apart from playing lots of games, it is essential to
● study chess games from masters and to try to understand why the moves were played
● study endgame positions
● gain a basic knowledge of the openings you play
Chess PGN Master helps you with these tasks by making it easy to
● review chess games
● enter your own games and blunder check them
● analyze games with a strong chess engine (Stockfish 13)
● play positions against a chess engine
and it can do a lot more!
The trial version allows you to view:
– the first 20 games of every PGN file
Please buy the pro key to remove restrictions and to enable saving changed games:
● Easy navigation (tap on left or right side of the board to move the pieces)
● Analyze games with the integrated analysis engine (output limited to one move in trial version) – start with menu – Analyisis start/stop
● E-Board support: Use an electronic chess board connected via Bluetooth using the ChessLink protocol (Millennium eOne, Exclusive, Performance), Certabo E-Boards, DGT Bluetooth classic, DGT Pegasus or the Square Off Pro to study, record games, play against a chess engine or replay master games.
● Color squares (right menu Display – Show coloring buttons) and draw colored arrows – tap or drag on the board after selecting a color
● Chess960 support (to castle select your King first, then your Rook you want to castle with)
● Cloud support (Google Drive, Nextcloud, Seafile)
● Autoplay (automatically move the pieces, time between moves can be set in settings)
● Includes a PGN file with 6 annotated games from “Chess Fundamentals” by former world champion José Raúl Capablanca
● Blunder check
● Share games with other programs, share from Chessbase Online
● Can read Scid database files if “Scid on the go” is installed
● Support for chess engines in open exchange format like Komodo