Sukusuku Plus is a free educational game app for children aged 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 years old who can practice hiragana, katakana, and learn kazuya shapes while having fun. There are plenty of educational games that toddlers can play, practice, and learn by themselves, such as tentsunagi, kazukazu, hiragana tracing, and katakana tracing.
■ Recommended age
2 years old, 3 years old, 4 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old infants, children, kids
Features of the free educational game app "Sukusuku Plus"
Learn while having fun playing drill-style educational games for suji, hiragana, katakana, and words.
There are plenty of elements that keep children entertained! There are lots of cute and popular illustrations for children, such as creatures, food, and vehicles.
Children's motivation is nurtured with detailed difficulty settings and done stickers.
■ Educational game
Kazukazoe, Kazutsunagi, Kazukurabe, Kazuerabi
Hiragana Tracing, Hiragana Tracing, Hiragana Tracing, Katakana Tracing
Let's connect, learn pictures, find friends
You can learn with many educational games such as.
In the future, we plan to add educational games that can be learned from the play, such as kanji, reading, and counting.
■ Categories of educational work
Moji: Japanese language work related to letters and words, such as reading and writing hiragana and katakana
Kazu: Reading and writing numbers, how to count numbers, arithmetic work related to numbers such as addition and subtraction
Chie: A work that develops general knowledge such as time and season, and the ability to think such as maze and reasoning.
■ About difficulty
Chick: Hiragana (reading), numbers (up to 10), colors and shapes practice
Rabbits: Practice hiragana (writing), numbers (up to 100), grouping
Kitsune: Practice katakana, particles, addition (single digit), order
Bear: Katakana, reading sentences, subtraction (single digit), regularity practice
Lion: Kanji, making sentences, addition, subtraction (2 digits), reasoning practice
You can practice a wide range of problems, from kokugo and math problems to patterns and figures.
■ Functions for parents
View child's play history / time limit
■ Multi-user
Up to 5 accounts can be created
Simultaneous play on multiple devices
■ Fees for using the app
Sukusuku Plus, an educational app, is currently available for free.
■Recommended for those looking for a small app that leads to children's intellectual education.
・We want children to come into contact with letters, numbers, and wisdom from an early age.
・ I want to step up and learn little by little as an intellectual training for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 years old.
・I want children to naturally learn Kokugo and Math through play.
・I want to help children understand words such as hiragana and katakana while playing with them.
・I want to teach how to count numbers such as addition and subtraction
・I want to play games that lead to wisdom, such as memorizing, choosing, and reasoning.
・ I want to let you learn firmly while playing
From the educational app "Sukusuku Plus" to everyone
Sukusuku Plus was developed by Piyolog, a parenting record app, with the idea that it would be possible to support children's intellectual development through the app when they were young. While enjoying the game, you can naturally write hiragana, katakana, numbers, understand shapes and patterns, acquire wisdom by remembering and choosing, and enjoy playing this educational app continuously. We hope that you will find it helpful in your child's development.
ひらがなカタカナ練習 幼児子供知育ゲームアプリすくすくプラス
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